Thank you for considering giving to our school, and thank you for your generosity. There is no amount too small nor a need too great. We are dedicated to giving our children the best education possible, and your donations enable us to do that.
Review the list below of volunteer opportunities. To sign up for one contact the school.
Dad’s make a big difference when they are involved. We have seen a night and day difference in our boy students when a Playground Dad is on duty. And what better way to volunteer than to play? It’s a win win. Contact the school to sign up for Recess Playground Dad.
At Harvest Schools the day starts with a warm and joyful greeting from our Check-In & Check-Out volunteers, who serve before and after school each day.
From pencils, paper, notebooks and other classic school supplies, to musical instruments, playground equipment, speakers, and other facility needs. If you are interested in donating items to the school, please reach out for your next steps.
Contact the school at or call us at (208) 880-1098